E Series (Electro-Conductive Series)
The special plastic used in the "E" series is electro conductive and permits electrical charge. These chains are suitable for applications where there is electric noise, electric sparks, or where dust collects due to static electricity. Volume resistivity: 106Q*cm
All dimensions are nominal values and for reference only
Unit of Measure


N/A 1.000 in

Maximum Allowable Tension

N/A 77 lb

Ambient Temperature Range 

N/A -4 to 176 ºF

Maximum Allowable Chain Speed

N/A 200 ft/min

Coefficient of Sliding Friction

N/A 0.25


N/A Electro-Conductive Series


N/A White

Slat Width

N/A 1.970 in

Chain Material

N/A Chain links are made of polyacetal. Pins are made of 304 stainless steel.